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2nd Season of Interactions with Alumni Connect : An Online Rendezous with Alumni

The 2nd episode or season of the series of interactions with well-placed alumni was conducted through Connect: An Online Rendezvous with the Alumni on 31st July 2021. Er. Inderjit Bal, Assistant Professor from P.G. Department of Computer Science and IT hosted the event. Mrs. Jasdeep Kaur, Assistant Professor from P.G. Department of Punjabi of the college interacted with star Alumna Mrs. Supriya Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Cosmetology of Hindu Kanya College, Kapurthala and with Miss Navjot Kaur, the Proprietor at Uday Designing House at Village Tanda at Nadala. The main motive of the 2nd Season of Connect was to highlight the importance of Skill based education to survive in today’s competitive world. While sharing their five year long beautiful experience at Hindu Kanya College, both alumnae gave full credit to the moral support and infrastructural facilities provided to them by the College staff, Principal Madam and College Manangement. A glimpse to Cosmetology Department highlighting it’s infrastructural facilities, labs, versatile courses and accomplishments of its students was also shown to the audience through a video. Mrs. Jaswant Kaur, Vice President, Alumnae Association and Head of Departement of Physical Education presented her Vote of Thanks. Principal and Chairperson of the Alumni Association, Dr. Archna Garg addressed the alumni and also expressed her thanks and best wished to both alumane for their bright future ventures. This interaction was also aired live on ZOOM, Facebook and YouTube.




Alumnae Association

Resource Person:

Ms. Supriya Sharma, Assistant Professor, Hindu Kanya College, Kapurthala Ms. Navjot Kaur, Proprietor, Uday Designer House, Vill. Tandi, Nadala, Kapurthala

Image by Milad Fakurian

Image by Milad Fakurian
Image by NordWood Themes
Image by NordWood Themes
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