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Cyber Awareness Day
Motive - The objective of a seminar on cyber awareness is to educate individuals on the importance of cybersecurity and promote safe online behavior.
Report - During this seminar Resource Person Hardeep Kaur, Assistant Prof. Department of Computer Science enlightened the students regarding cyber crimes. She explained to the students how the fraudsters commit cyber crimes and elaborated various types of the cyber crimes like Email and internet fraud, identity fraud, card cloning, sim swap, cyber extortion , ransomeware attack and website defacement. She also suggested students how to take precautions to escape from cyber crimes like authentication techniques and password security. She advised to file a complaint on the online portal in case of cyber frauds and crimes. Er. Tanya Goel also cautioned students about the types of WhatsApp messages received from fraudsters to gain access of their devices.
Outcome - By providing practical tips and advice for staying safe online, a seminar on cyber awareness helped the attendees to adopt better cybersecurity practices and habits.
No.of Beneficieries: 59
PG Department of Computer Science & IT
Resource Person:
Ms. Hardeep Kaur

Assistant Prof., Department of CS &IT,
Hindu Kanya College,

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