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Lecture on Organic Farming
Motive -For adopting organic farming broadly include economic incentives, environmental benefits, human and livestock health.
Report-Nature Eco Club of Hindu college Kapurthala organized a guest lecture on "Organic Farming: Need of the Hour for safe food for Humanity" on 19th November 2022. Dr. Pardeep Kumar, Sr. Scientist, Regional Center, Kapurthala was the keynote speaker who shared his views on organic farming and it's benefits, natural food and its utility, types, protective food and how to prepare manure and compost from kitchen waste. Mrs. Seema Thakur, Convener, Nature Eco Club, Mrs. Renu Soni and Ms. Kajal was also present on the occasion. Principal, Dr Archna Garg appreciated the efforts of Nature Eco Club for organizing this lecture on such a useful topic.
Outcome-Organic farming yields more nutritious and safe food. The popularity of organic food is growing dramatically as consumer seeks the organic foods that are thought to be healthier and safer. Thus, organic food perhaps ensures food safety from farm to plat.
No.of Beneficiaries: -129
Nature Eco Club
Resource Person:
Dr. Pardeep Kumar
Sr. Scientist Regional Center , Kapurthala
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