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Innovative and Quality Teaching & Learning in HEI's

Two Faculty Development Sessions were organized by the Staff Academy on 1st April 2024 in which Er. Sunali Sharma, Head and Er. Inderjit Kaur Bal, Assistant Professor from the P.G. Department of Computer Science and I.T. shared their learning experience of Seven Day National FDP on ‘Innovative and Quality Teaching and Learning in HEIs’ organized by IOT Academy, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu from 11th to 19th December 2023.

In the first session of the FDP, Er. Sunali Sharma elaborated the importance of adopting innovative pedagogical teaching and learning methods to engage the students in the learning process. She said that the students' learning outcome can be improved as well as assessed through latest learning softwares and Apps.
In the 2nd Session of the FDP, Er. Inderjit Kaur Bal discoursed on the 'Quality Teaching and Learning in HEI's' through different teaching platforms and Apps, the Learning Management Systems(LMS), Collaboration Tools, the screen recording and Animation tools. She also explained the rising importance of Mind Mapping Tools and latest e-resources available on different platforms. She further enlightened the staff on "Stress and Time Management'. She said the teachers must maintain a balance between their personal and professional life. She laid emphasis on 'ABC' strategy which is based on 'Awareness', 'Balance' and 'Control'. She offered some useful tips to manage time.In the end, she explained briefly the characteristics of effective mentors and also mentioned the mentoring techniques.




Staff Academy

Resource Person:

Image by Milad Fakurian

Image by Milad Fakurian
Image by NordWood Themes
Image by NordWood Themes
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