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Inter Class Quiz Competition

Inter Class Quiz Competition was organised by the Department of Economics on 31st Oct 2017. Students from BA/BSC I, III and V semesters participated enthusiastically. There were a total of three teams Adam Smith, Marshall and Keynes. Four rounds were there related to Micro, Macro and Economic Development. Ms Anupam Sabharwal conducted all the rounds. Team Adam smith comprising of students Sandeep Kaur of I sem., Sukhvir Kaur of III sem. and Palkinjot Kaur of V sem. won the Quiz Competition. All the students showed great interest as it was a learning experience and enhanced their knowledge. Mrs. Vijay Pathania, Head Dept. of Economics Presented trophies to the winners.
No.of beneficiaries :- 45
Motive :- To encourage student to use their critical , analytical skills to improve their knowledge.
Outcome:The confidence level of students got increased and their competition spirit got momentum.




Department of Economics

Resource Person:

Image by Milad Fakurian

Image by Milad Fakurian
Image by NordWood Themes
Image by NordWood Themes
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