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Investiture Ceremony
Hindu Kanya College Kapurthala organised an Investiture Ceremony to introduce the newly elected Students' Council, Student Welfare Committee, Captain and Vice Captains of four Houses of the Collegiate School. Anjali, student of B.A.- fifth Semester was elected as the Head Girl and Kulwinder Kaur, student of B. Com. -5th Semester became the Vice Head Girl of the college. Class Prefects and Class Representatives from all degree and Collegiate classes were felicitated by awarding them badges and sashes as per their newly elected positions in the Students' Council. From the four houses of the collegiate school, Kareenapreet Kaur from Kirti House, Jaskaran Kaur from Chetna House, Kirti from Jagriti House and Jashanpreet Kaur from Pragati House were appointed as Captains, whereas Simranpreet Kaur from Kirti House, Shine from Chetna House, Jaspreet Kaur from Jagriti House and Sharanpreet Kaur from Pragati House were nominated as Vice Captains. An Oath Ceremony for the newly elected Students' Council was also arranged in which Dr. Jasdeep Kaur made the members take the pledge to contribute their selfless services for the betterment of the college. Thereafter, college Principal, Dr. Archna Garg elaborated the importance of reading Prospectus of the college to know about the code of conduct and other significant rules chalked for the students during their stay in the college. She further apprised the students about College Website, College Facebook page, levels of Continuous Evaluation through Classroom teaching, Online assignments and Google Form based tests. She elaborated the importance of various clubs,
societies, associations, Grievance Cell, Open University Skill based Courses, Value Added Courses and upcoming future ventures. Madam Principal also encouraged students to be focused and
career oriented in the present challenging scenario and enthused them to participate in co-curricular activities for their holistic development. Stage was hosted by Dr. Tajinder Kaur, Assistant Professor in Hindi.
Hindu Kanya College
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