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Online Workshop on Psychosocial counselling & Covid helper skills
NSS Units of Hindu Kanya College, Kapurthala, under the privilege of Internal Quality Assurance Cell of the College organised a workshop on the Topic ``Psychological Counselling and Covid Helper Skills". Mr. Amritanshu Dwivedi, is working as an intern for Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education, Hyderabad. Dr. AmanJyoti, NSS Programme Officer extended a warm welcome followed by the profile of the resource person. During the workshop Professor Amritanshu Dwivedi said that Covid-19 Volunteers skills focus on providing and developing special skills in the students, so that they can help covid patients and their families, community, hospitals and whosoever is seeking help. Professor Dwivedi explained that the students will work as a bridge between the needy persons and help providers. The enlightening workshop was followed by an interactive session where participants asked very relevant questions and converted this workshop into an interactive as well as informative one. IQAC encouraged different departments and clubs of the college to arrange webinars-cum-counseling sessions to bring about awareness about Covid-19 pandemic. Students were counselled to adopt a pragmatic approach to stay positive during these days.
Motive- The main objective of organising the online webinar was to inform the NSS Volunteers to keep their surroundings clean and to tell them how they can reduce the stress of themselves and the people around them during Covid.
Outcome: NSS volunteers of the NSS Units were made aware about the important measures and social skills needed to serve the society as the Covid Helpers during the pandemic situation.
No of beneficiary: 147
NSS Unit
Resource Person:

Amritanshu Dwivedi,
M.G.N.C.R.E., Hyderabad

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