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Orientation Program on "Zoom & Google Classroom"
Motive - The motive of an orientation program on Zoom, Google Classroom, Google Forms, PDF, and other teaching aids during Covid-19 is to help students adapt to the new modes of learning that have emerged as a result of the pandemic. With schools and universities closed or operating under restricted capacity, educators have had to rapidly shift to online learning platforms to ensure continuity in education.
Report - Er. Tanya Goel gave session on online teaching methods going to adapt by teachers as many students may not have prior experience with these tools or may be unfamiliar with the specific features and functionalities required for effective online learning. Therefore, the following topics are discussed with students:
- Understand the basic features and functionalities of Zoom, Google Classroom, and Google Forms, and how to use them for learning and communication.
- Learn how to navigate and interact with online learning materials such as PDFs, videos, and other multimedia content.
- Understand the importance of online etiquette and behavior in a virtual classroom setting, including guidelines for participation, communication, and respectful discourse.
- Learn strategies for managing time and staying organized in an online learning environment.
- Get familiar with tools for collaboration, such as shared documents and online discussion forums, to work with peers and teachers.
- Explore different modes of assessment and feedback in online learning, such as quizzes, assignments, and discussions.
Outcome - By providing students with this orientation, educators helped them to adapt to the changing circumstances of education and continue to achieve their academic goals.
No. of beneficiaries - 140
PG Department of Computer Science & IT
Resource Person:
Er. Tanya Goel, Assistant Professor, CS & IT. Hindu Kanya College, Kapurthala

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