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Seminar on 'Vermicomposting'

As per the directions issued by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change ( MoEF & CC), Govt.of India and the State Nodal Agency, Punjab State Council for Science and Technology, the Nature Eco Club arranged a Seminar on 'Vermi Composting' under Environment Education Programme. The Resource Person, Dr. Pardeep Kumar, Head- cum- Senior Scientist, Regional Centre Farm Advisory, Service Centre, Kapurthala while highlighting the importance of vermicomposting said that this method converts organic waste into a valuable soil amendment for plants and crops. He said that the vermicompost is different from fertilizer and when it is added to the soil, it boosts the nutrients for the growth of the plants and enhances the soil structure.

Motive : The objective of this seminar was to make young students aware regarding the importance of vermicomposting and the methods to use it.

Outcome: Students learnt how to convert an organic waste into useful vermicompost. The insightful seminar spread environment awareness among students and encouraged students to adopt such environment protecting methods like vermicomposting.




Nature Eco Club

Resource Person:

Dr. Pardeep Kumar

Image by Milad Fakurian

Dr. Pardeep Kumar, Head- cum- Senior Scientist, Regional Centre Farm Advisory, Service Centre, Kapurthala

Image by Milad Fakurian
Image by NordWood Themes
Image by NordWood Themes
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