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Tayari Jeet Ki
Motive - The objective of a workshop on the preparation of competitive exams is to provide participants with the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to succeed in competitive exams. By understanding the format and content of the exam, developing effective study strategies and test-taking skills, and boosting confidence and motivation, participants can improve their chances of success in the exam.
Report - Career Counseling & Placement Cell of Hindu Kanya College, Kapurthala in association with District Bureau of Employment Enterprises, Kapurthala organized a five-day Potential Development Workshop 'Tayari Jeet Ki' from 30th January to 3rd February 2023. College students enthusiastically participated in this workshop organized with the aim of providing practical information and training to the students about various employment opportunities.
The five day workshop designed meticulously will take them to a journey through following topics and issues relating to their personality development and potential growth as a women:
-Time management
-Personality development
-How to tackle English in competitive examinations
-How to crack interviews and resume writing
-Live session with an women entrepreneur
-How to handle exam anxiety
-placement drive
The keynote speaker of the first session Dr. Sachin Sidhra, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara explained the importance of time with examples on the topic 'Time Management' through the participation of girl students and the girl students also participated enthusiastically.
Mr. Arun Joshi, Founder Director, Shri Krishna Institute, Jalandhar addressed the students on the topic 'English Language and Its Utility for the Competitive Examination" during the first session. He deliberated information about securing employment prospects after honing communication skills in English.
Dr. Rakesh Sharma, Associate Prof., NIT, Jalandhar spoke on the topic 'Skills for Arts/Science/ Management of Life'. While interacting with the students, he told that it is more important to take the initiative to do a work than to achieve perfection in it.
Mr. Gaurav Bali, Personality Architect & Corporate Trainer, LPU was the keynote speaker of the closing ceremony. He addressed the students on the topic 'How to Handle Exam Anxiety' and shared different tips to win in difficult and challenging times.
Deputy Commissioner Sh. Visesh Sarangal, on this occasion, interacted with the participants of the workshop and gave them all the tips to be successful in their lives.
Outcome - If students apply the strategies and techniques learned during the workshop, they may perform better in the competitive exam. By improving their understanding of the exam, study skills, motivation, and test-taking skills, students can increase their chances of success.
30-01-2023 to 03-02-2023
Career Counselling & Placement Cell
Resource Person:
30-01-2023 1. Dr. Sachin Sidhra, HOD, Department of Soft Skills, LPU, Phagwara

2. Sh. Arun Joshi, Founder Director, Shri Krishna Institute, Jalandhar 3. Dr. Rakesh Sharma, Associate Professor, NIIT, Jalandhar
4. Ms. Preeti Sharma, Proprietor, Manali Home
5. Sh. Jeevandeep Singh, EGSDTO, PCS Allied, Ludhiana
6. Mr. Gaurav Bali, Personality Architect & Corporate Trainer, LPU, Phagwara

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