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Workshop on 'Hardware Fabrication'
A Workshop on 'Hardware Fabrication' was organized to enhance practical learning of students. The Resource Person, Mr. AshishKundra, Director at GLEAMNET,Kapurthalawho demonstrated hardware components and the techniques to dismantle and assemble the hardware components to the students. He also enlightened students about the terminology and components used for communication.
Outcome: The workshop encouraged students to expand their knowledge base beyond textual learning. It provided them practical knowledge and experiential learning. Through this workshop students gained the comprehensive understanding and practical skills for assembling, troubleshooting, and maintaining computer hardware.They also came to know about the peripheral devices, hardware architecture, and troubleshooting techniques to improve and optimize the system performance.
No. of Beneficiaries : 77
P.G. Department of Computer Science & IT
Resource Person:
Mr. AshishKundra

Mr. Ashish Kundra, Director at GLEAMNET, Kapurthala

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